
The 7 Best HSI Colleges to Help You Jumpstart Your Career in Design

We recently talked about the best HBCU schools for African American students to study design (You can read about it here.) What about the best Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), though? […]

Top 7 Historical Black Colleges and Universities To Study Design

Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have always played a vital role in supporting first-generation Black students and those from moderate to low-income households. They have produced plenty of prominent […]

Top 5 Reasons Your Interns Should Be Getting Paid

Do you have to pay interns? The short answer is yes. You absolutely should pay your interns. Naysayers will argue that an internship is more of a learning opportunity. While […]

Happy 2021: A Year In Review

As we look back at 2020, we want to thank you for being an important part of our journey. Last year was difficult. We’ve had many wins, but we’ve had […]

2021 Salary Guide for Designers: Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered why one individual is making $70,000 a year, and you’re making $26,000 a year? Don’t you deserve to be making as much money as them? One […]

Top 5 Interviewing Tips For New Designers

“A job interview is not a test of your knowledge, but your ability to use it at the right time” -unknown Your worst nightmare comes true! As you walk into […]

How Parents Can Nurture Their Child’s Creativity

Creativity is important for a child’s development, being creative allows children to explore the world around them. Creativity also gives the child a chance to express their emotions and let […]

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simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Relearning Techniques​, Writers With Impact

Throughout the readings in our writing course, we have been exploring different methods of writing qualitative research. The authors heavily covered in our course readings were Laura Richardson, Margot Ely, John Creswell, Harry Wolcott and John Swales.

Waiting For Design

There’s a quote that says, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Although there is much speculation behind the quote’s validity, three things in it, are clear to me.